We Demand the Immediate Arrest of Rishi Sunak for Support of War Crimes

Who launched it? ZB (Individual)
Date: November 1, 2023


The world is witnessing the biggest humanitarian crisis since the holocaust. The Palestinian people are being subjected to the worst bombardment ever seen by any of us and war crimes are reportedly being committed on an unprecedented scale. 

Whilst Amnesty international amongst other international charities and countries have declared Israel as committing war crimes and breaching International law as well as the Geneva Convention, The UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is providing unwavering support to these actions. 

For 75 years now, Palestinian people have been subjected to brutal force and occupation by what many perceive as a Zionist regime. At this moment of time a whole ethnic cleansing and genocide is happening. Families are being wiped out by the minute. Hospitals and refugee camps are being horrendously bombed and attacked. 

It’s alarming that such atrocities continue unabated while world leaders like Mr. Sunak seemingly condone them through their silence or active support. It’s time we demand accountability from those who hold positions of power and influence.

I call upon all concerned citizens around the world to join me in demanding the immediate arrest of Rishi Sunak for his alleged complicity in these war crimes. His actions not only violate basic human rights but also undermine global peace efforts.

We must stand up against this injustice and demand that our leaders do better – they should be promoting peace, not enabling violence. Sign this petition today if you believe in justice for all and want to see those responsible held accountable for their actions.

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